
Key Dates

26 October 2023 - Launch Deadline
11 January - Standard Deadline
4 April - Extended Deadline
12 April - Judging
15 May - Winners Announced

Project Overview

Feixi County has a time-honored historical and cultural legacy, but economic pressures drove many young individuals to seek employment elsewhere. However, the local economy has been driven to the fast lane in recent years. The introduction and development of industries have not only boosted economic progress but also brought about drastic changes within the city. The design team aimed to visually document these perceptible urban changes.


Feixi Digital Culture and Media


Feixi Digital Culture and Media holds the capacity to deliver digital media communication services across all platforms in various forms and at multiple levels. It leverages intelligent media solutions to upgrade the city and tailors diverse promotional media for government entities and businesses across industries and products.

Project Brief

The Chinese character "Feixi" serves as the central visual element, presented in a bit of artistic calligraphic form. The silhouette of the character "Fei" reflects the influence of modern architecture and iconic developments in Feixi County, while the silhouette of the character "Xi" represents the ancient buildings with historical and cultural imprints. This form of representation evokes a shared impression of the city among both locals and non-locals, fostering a sense of emotional connection in the community.

Project Innovation/Need

The main objective of this Feixi themed poster design is to foster an immediate emotional connection and identity between both new and long-time Feixi residents. This design aims to evoke the city's modern vitality and prosperity for new residents, while recalling memories for the long-time residents. By appealing to the emotions of both groups, this design reinforces the emotional bond between the people of Feixi and their hometown. The design is presented in the form of text, blending elements from both the past and present into an image. This design represents the passage of time and adds deep texture to the poster itself.

Design Challenge

The biggest challenge encountered in the design phase is to evoke emotional resonance and recognition from both new and long-time residents of Feixi at first glance. The key factor to achieving this lies in selecting the appropriate visual elements. For new residents, modernization and rapid progress are the aspects to highlight; for long-time residents, he deep historical and cultural legacy should be honored and exhibited.


For the physical placement of the posters, the team prioritized sustainability and environmental consciousness. They opted for recyclable and eco-friendly paper for production and used non-toxic and reusable water-based ink for printing. Regarding how to place posters, the team carefully evaluated and considered alternative locations, ultimately selecting high-traffic sites to ensure efficient information delivery and reduce resource waste.

This award celebrates creativity and innovation in the traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience.
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